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Clifford Harris


Bump! Jostlecrash! Bump!
momentary collisions: often salacious
this endless search
swirling mists of socialchaos

hmm hmm hmm; mumble chatterbuzz....


Waltzing (grimly) through convoluted gridlock
honk! honk! honk! -- blasts impatience!
fury overwhelming radio music groove: Damn!
We'll never get there
An amaranthine garden of passionbliss
                                        (the last modern myth)
But, solitary man, with whom do you converse?

Through opaque doors
vodka cacophony and cigarette billow:

Disentangled from traffic clutter, the
roaring highway rush speed thrill
up a twisting blacktop ladder
                    carved through
an explorer's mysterious greenlush valley
lungs feasting air condition processed air:
A contemporary celebration of freedom
                              (he always arrives late);

Miraculous luminescent oceanblue eyes by crowned
          goldstreaked brown
warm spring rain, consoling delicious,
the sweet aroma of soaked life renewed
                              (unanswered heart song)
already enrapture brightened
amidst twirl swoon whirl dance
fiveoclock shadow brownleather clad Mulligan

Across smoghaze of memory
          we sit
in that midtown cafe, soulless plastic:
staring unpleasantly;
                    divorced by
ominous silence pause
          &(a cemetery's bespooked quietude
          by fluorescent whitenoise buzz)
your cherished visage pained slightly
                    my being
decomposing into agonycompost
                                        (you'd just said)
"I need to move on". . .

The list of battle:
music bass thumps electroudly,
some dance, some laugh, participating
                    &in this
                                        collective game:
Huddled, he, covetous
self-conscious in solitude, swigs gin and stares

the tilted radiance of a neck on which balanced
                                        beauty's golden apple

Signal scramble preventing cable theft
Invalid passcode!
                                        Access denied!
modem disconnects and blipfades the
sprawling communication spiderweave
                                        (computerhum silence)

Remorselessly, the belt progresses,
                                        -- thump! thump!
an interminable noplace road:
this uniquely modern painwaltz,
          (out of sweatpools blossoms
          &          the pungent narcissus)
a sterilized ritual of internet venus

Excruciating tossnturn empty bed lamentation
the elongated silent midnight hours,
a festering wound:
surrounded by skyraping phalli
          anachronistic meadows
a contrived atmosphere for silent
desperate disenfranchised banishment longing
for quivering warm wombdance body caress
                                        -- Life!!

                                        (you'd just said)
"I need to move on". . .

Heeding nightly nature's call to arms:
among argonauts
                              in a
techno tin can, miraculous:
The Flight of the Virgin!!

Golden Fleece
into lust provoking smile
                                        (desire's radiance)
tormenting needpain pang beckons
          him onwards:
our version of the quantum dance,
this constant quest for phantoms in the void
          of romance myth

Bump! Jostlecrash! Bump!
debauched pursuit
of imagined unreal idealized shuddering bliss
                                        (Nietzschean snake)
every fatality, birth's exuberant roar replayed

                                        (you'd just said)
"I need to move on". . .